Health Coaching, twelve 30 minute sessions per month
Hi! I am recruiting up to 4 people to provide health coaching to for 90 sessions
spent as 3 sessions (30 minutes each) a week across 30 weeks or approximately 6 months
Discounted cost is $60/month for 12 coaching sessions per month...
I really look forward to the possibility of working with you as your health coach!
I am kind, enthusiastic, friendly, compassionate, and serious in my approach to supporting wellness.
My educational qualifications include:
B.S. Human Development, University of Delaware, 2000
B.A. Psychology, disabilities studies, University of Delaware, 2000
M.A. Child & Family Policy, Tufts University, 2006
Ph.D. Urban Affairs & Public Policy, University of Delaware, 2018
(Ph.D.Research topic, Health Literacy & Health Seeking Behavior for Parents of Young Children in New Castle County, Delaware)
As part of my work towards certification in health coaching I am recruiting clients to work with
to further my experience in addition to my degrees and prior work experience, including as a mental health worker and child & family policy researcher for individual and family support.
Therefore, I am offering 30 minutes of designated tailored time to help you create the behavior changes you want towards wellness for $5 per session, and completion of surveys and testimonials!
1) I will provide active and compassionate listening for talking about your wellness goals.
2) I will support you in helping you get organized for improving your quality of life.
3) I will help you identify your strengths and resources to help cope with issues like stress management and work life balance.
4) I will help to increase your accountability to yourself for achievable tasks and routines that
support your wellness.
5) I will support you in improving your relationships.
Free initial consultation to determine your goals and if I can support you with your needs.
Thank you for the opportunity to work with you!
~ Pialee Roy, Ph.D.